Contact Us

The Briefing Circle was founded by Hugh Merrill, who continues to lead the organisation and chairs the briefings.

Julie Rochford acts as the day to day contact with guests of honour and guests and provides administrative and secretarial support.

For further information about The Briefing Circle and details of future programmes please contact:

Hugh Merrill MVO
The Briefing Circle Limited - Company Number 06270733

The Briefings usually take place over breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Reform Club.

Reform Club
Pall Mall

"The debates around Energy and Climate Change at The Briefing Circle have been enormously insightful, highlighting tensions in policy and the likely direction of travel. They have been enriched by the seniority of the attendees and the open exposition of views under The Chatham House Rule."
Dipesh Shah OBE, Chairman, National Highways and EU Marguerite Fund
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